Navigating your soul’s evolutionary journey


Everything is energy. Astrology is the study of the energetic movements of the universe. Astrology recognizes that everything vibrates at a certain frequency & creates a woven connection with everything on earth. There is a divine order to the unfolding of the universe. The rhythm & pattern of celestial bodies deeply influences human behaviour. It is organized chaos & synchronicity. Whether or not you believe in Astrology, natal & transiting energy will guide the cycles of your life. The choice to flow with them or resist them is your own free will.

  “As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul.” - Hermes Trismegistus

Birth Chart

Your birth chart shows the location of all the planets & stars in the sky at the exact moment you entered this life. It is unique to you. No two are the same. It is your soul’s imprint. It is the map of your evolutionary journey in this lifetime. You are far more complex than just your Sun sign. You are every zodiac sign & planet through different areas of your life. A birth chart reveals personality, relationships, love, money, career, purpose, karma, greatest challenges, lessons & the soul’s path of growth. Your birth chart i

s constantly evolving, affected by universal shifts, activating you & bringing about change. Reading your birth chart is glimpsing into the most honest mirror you’ll ever have reflected back at you. It is a soul remembering. Are you ready to have a look?